The cooking show you never knew you needed. Should we organise a whole Bilingual BBQ this year? Hehe. #BeBilingual #MotherTongueIsland @abrahamdelaure@REAL Munah Bagharib
Safe or Unsafe? 🤔💼 I hit the streets of Singapore to see if people could spot unsafe workplaces and practices and gave them a chance to win up to $60 cash! 🫰🏻Let’s just say, some of the answers had me cracking up, but it also reminded me how important workplace safety really is. Big shoutout to the Workplace Safety and Health Council for all the work they do to promote safer, healthier workplaces. It’s not just about following safe work procedures, it’s about making sure everyone gets to go home safe to their loved ones at the end of the day. ❤️ Check out the Campaign microsite for tips on reporting unsafe practices in the workplace. Because safety isn’t just someone else’s job, it’s something we all play a part in. #ReportingSavesLives #Taketimetotakecare
After a long day of missions, puzzles and questionable BBQ skills, we finally came out winners! This is Be Bilingual, Class of 2025, signing out! #BeBilingual #MotherTongueIsland @abrahamdelaure@REAL Munah Bagharib