나는 오늘 한국 중앙일보에서 주최하는, 2025 대한민국 ceo 리더십 대상을 받았습니다. 나의 felicity는 한국 틱톡 라이브 에이전시 300개중 2년간 한달도 빠짐없이 1등을 하였습니다. 또한 2024년도 총합 전세계 틱톡 에이전시중 글로벌 1등을 달성 했습니다🫡
My old dragon friends, thank you for still remembering and helping me even though I showed up after a year. Thanks to you, I was able to win first place for a little while. I'll work hard again in the future, my team mates get back together!!🐲😎
I'm finally getting off work. I'm so happy that my Dragon team is getting stronger. Thank you all for always coming to see me at precious times and helping me out. I'll make sure to work hard until I get back to the top🐲🐲
I returned to broadcasting after a year. A lot of my friends are gone now. My team used to be really strong and famous. I can't wait to see my old Dragon team. Let's strengthen our bodies and minds and start over 🐲🐲