Real man doesn’t workout, the train 😤 Who’s gonna do it? Who’s gonna protect? Who’s gonna enforce safety? Who’s gonna step up when no one else does? You’re gonna do it. This is your next level. Dm me “LEVEL” We workout to reinforce your training. Send this to someone who trains like a beast. #beastmode #militarytraining #militaryworkout #workoutmotivation #gymmotivation #fitnessmotivation #marinecorps #military
“I do not workout; I train!” -Coach blue Curious to knowing how many of you have the same mindset out there. Working out just sounds boring. Training there’s a clear target 🎯 to achieve. Creating a weapon. The hardest human alive. If I believe that, who else if going to tell me wrong. 😤 Link in bio To work 1:1 with me and win $2000 #beastmode #Running #sprinting #military #marinecorps #workoutmotivation
My personal opinion: The military needs to level up their training. We need freaking badasses. Super freaking soldiers. We need an upgrade. What you think?🤔 Link in bio for more info We do not workout; we train!!! #militarytraining #military #workoutmotivation #beastmode #Running #soldier #marines
Have you mastered your pushups??? The reason I ask is that once you have mastered 20+ clean pushups, it’s time to take things to the next level. I am not saying that you have to be at the same level as me. But there’s a next level waiting for you if you got at least 20+ clean pushups If you have that ✅ I want to stop thinking that you can’t accomplish this level of fitness now now. Done? ✅ Let’s get you to this level (Link in bio) #pushup #athletetraining #beastmode #elitefitness #fitnessmotivation #workoutmotivation #calisthenicsworkout
Who should I fight 😳 Fun fact about me that you might not know… I did Muay Thai for 5 years I used to love doing crazy stuff incorporating kicks into my routines. Send this to a fighter #muaythai #fighter #fighting #workoutmotivation #beastmode #flips
Unlock your potential with a strong core. Link in bio for more information Building core strength is the foundation for enhanced athleticism and power. Elevate your game and watch your performance rise to the NEXT LEVEL. Tips to Increase Core Strength for Athletes (This is Beyond Specific Movements) Focus on Form: Prioritize proper technique to make sure maximum engagement when you perform a challenging movement. Consistency is Key: Incorporate core training into your routine at least 2-3 times per week for the best results. Integrate Core Work into Other Training: Add core challenges during strength or cardio sessions to increase core strength and muscle endurance. Mind-Muscle Connection: Concentrate on feeling the core engage during exercises to get better activation. Progressive Overload: Gradually increase difficulty by adding resistance, duration, or complexity to your core workouts. Stay Hydrated and Fuel Right: Proper nutrition and hydration support muscle performance and recovery. Cross-Training: Challenge yourself in different sports or activities that challenge your core in various ways, enhancing overall strength. “HYBRID TRAINING” Stay dedicated, and your core will be the powerhouse of your performance! #corestrengthening #athletemindset #nextlevel #coreworkout #workoutmotivation #beastmode
Green band represents your past… Gray band represents your future… Are you really gonna let your past hold you back from unleashing into a bright future ahead? Let it go. You are meant for more. But you better fight for that shi* #workoutmotivation #sprinttraining #sprinter #beastmode #fightforyourdreams #dreams
Intense hanging abs workout (Next Level Routine) Share this with someone who wants to get to the next level of fitness Unlock all your body weight strength, speed, and endurance by working hard on your CORE No more mediocrity. Let’s become beasts I used to workout in such a basic mediocre way. It helps me get a nice physique. But these days I care less about the physique and more about my performance. I’m moving better than ever at 212Lbs Link in bio for 1:1 coaching let’s get you to the next level. #beastmode #workoutmotivation #intensity #absworkout #coreworkout #military #militarytraining
My answer is “Sure” 😤 What they don’t know is that I do this to fight the monsters. *Inside me. Send this to a monster #beastmode #workoutmotivation #fitnessmotivation #fighter #training #athlete
On a mission 😤 The most functional bodybuilder you’ve seen No size and shape will ever replace the feeling of moving like a beast. Period. I hope you get to feel this level of power one day. Looking like a bodybuilder but still being able to move like this. We got work to do fam 🙏🏽 Link in bio for coaching #calisthenics #calisthenicsworkout #workoutmotivation #beastmode #fitnessjourney #beast
I think this is how you use this machine 🤔 Send this to a beast. Side note I see someone crawling towards me like this at night and I’m running. #beast #coreworkout #corechallenge #beastmode #workoutmotivation
2025 so far. If you said you were gonna be a different version this year you better have proof. Because there’s no way it’s almost 3rd month of this year and you still thinking about it. That just doesn’t sit well in my stomach 😤 Change requires change lol. Cliche for a reason. Don’t be so silly. #2025 #workoutmotivation #beastmode #chaseyourdreams #followyourdreams #fitnessjourney
Almost pooped myself with these 😅 One goal and one goal only. Strongest version this human body can be. Link in bio to learn more about my hybrid training strategy. I don’t care how long it takes. I’m not focused on the finish line. All I know I’m way stronger than last week. 😤 Let’s freaking build. #strength #powerlifting #bodybuilder #beastmode #strengthtraining #strong #strongman #squat
I do not want to move the conventional way, so I don’t train the conventional way. Are lot of people are afraid of training like an athlete, because they want to focus all their energy on building a nice body…. 😅 Brah you are missing the point. You don’t have to give up one for the other. Your program needs to produce both results. An amazing physique, and incredible functional strength. I promise you can do both. You are looking at it now. Stop waiting for the dream. Start living the dream now. Just make some adjustments. 10 years from now your body and mind will thank you. #bodybuilding #functionaltraining #functionalworkout #beastmode #workoutmotivation #barbellworkout
Train how we fight 😤 Send this to someone and say “America is safe” #training #militarytraining #workoutmotivation #marine #marinecorps #fitnessmotivation
Have no doubt you your mind that you are capable of everything. Then watch how your life transforms. If you watch this video and say to yourself that you will never be able to do stunts like this. That’s your reality. You truly never will. My question to you is why??? Why do you feel like you are incapable of being one in a million. Do things that others could only dream of? The truth is, I once thought like that. And guess what.. Everything in my life was average. I don’t like average. So I decided to change my mindset. Everything that I saw that seemed important to me, I just told myself.. Let me just try it first. Let me go through the steps necessary to be able to do this. Then I found out the truth about humans. We can do anything that we actually try. ACTUALLY TRY. And commit to the steps to get there. I wanna show you the blueprint for becoming the most badass version of yourself physically and mentally. “Link in bio for coaching” let me help you. #beastmode #flips #calisthenics #workoutmotivation #crazyworkout
The science behind the madness that you see in my short videos. “Link in bio” for more info. Flips, explosiveness, speed, agility, power, body control… Obviously my fast twitch muscle fibers responds at the “Next Level” This is how all professional athletes train. And this is how I train myself as well. Slow contraction will help you build muscle, yes… But explosive fast twitch muscle fibers training will help you put on muscle and develop super human strength at the same time. Let’s go with that one. #fasttwitch #trainingtips #workouttips #fitnesscoach #coach #explosiveness #power #athletetraining
Typical cardio workout 😳 Send this to someone and say they got next. Train then workout. Train for what? Well that’s for you to determine. #workoutmotivation #beastmode #Running #fitnessmotivation #workoutoftheday #beast
Shoulder workout (From anywhere) It’s extremely simple to see progress when working out, it just takes a little willpower and discipline to get the work done. But as you can see, you can get an amazing workout with minimal equipment from anywhere. What’s your excuse for real? I would like to put together a plan for you and guide you for the next 6 months. (Link in bio) I will reach out to you. If you are not ready to start, like yesterday. This is not for you. #shoulderworkout #shoulderday #bodybuilding #buildmuscle #workoutmotivation #beast